The visible part of your activity is your name, your brand, so you need an identity.
identifiable and remarkable graphic.
On imagine et créer alor sune charte graphique qui détaille les rêgles esthétiques à
respecter : couleurs, logo, organisationvspatiale. Cette charte peut alors être déployée
sur tous les supports de communication
(cartes de visite, brochure, signature mails,
site internet, facture, devis, etc...)
Logo simple : 2d, 2 couleurs, icone, typo)
Logo complexe : 3d, + de 2 couleurs ou dégradé, icone, typo)
Add paragraph text. Click “Edit Text” to update the font, size and more. To change and reuse text themes, go to Site Styles.
Service Name
We then imagine and create a graphic charter which details the aesthetic rules to be followed.
respect: colors, logo, spatial organization. This charter can then be deployed
on all communication media
(business cards, brochure, email signature,
website, invoice, quote, etc...)
Logo simple : 2d, 2 couleurs, icone, typo)
Logo complexe : 3d, + de 2 couleurs ou dégradé, icone, typo)
Add paragraph text. Click “Edit Text” to update the font, size and more. To change and reuse text themes, go to Site Styles.
Service Name
We then imagine and create a graphic charter which details the aesthetic rules to be followed.
respect: colors, logo, spatial organization. This charter can then be deployed
on all communication media
(business cards, brochure, email signature,
website, invoice, quote, etc...)
Simple logo : 2d, 2 colors, icon, typo)
Complex logo : 3d, more than 2 colors or gradient, icon, typo)
Add paragraph text. Click “Edit Text” to update the font, size and more. To change and reuse text themes, go to Site Styles.
Service Name
We then imagine and create a graphic charter which details the aesthetic rules to be followed.
respect: colors, logo, spatial organization. This charter can then be deployed
on all communication media
(business cards, brochure, email signature,
website, invoice, quote, etc...)
Logo simple : 2d, 2 couleurs, icone, typo)
Logo complexe : 3d, + de 2 couleurs ou dégradé, icone, typo)
Add paragraph text. Click “Edit Text” to update the font, size and more. To change and reuse text themes, go to Site Styles.
Service Name
We then imagine and create a graphic charter which details the aesthetic rules to be followed.
respect: colors, logo, spatial organization. This charter can then be deployed
on all communication media
(business cards, brochure, email signature,
website, invoice, quote, etc...)
Logo simple : 2d, 2 couleurs, icone, typo)
Logo complexe : 3d, + de 2 couleurs ou dégradé, icone, typo)